Asian Living as Your Lifestyle

Elias Rasole

Introduction I can’t imagine a better lifestyle than living in Asia. The food is amazing, the people are incredibly friendly and there’s so much to explore! Feel the magic of Asia. The magic of Asia is the people. The food, culture and scenery are all amazing, but it’s the people […]

Decoding Asian Festivals: A Guide for Tourists

Elias Rasole

Introduction If you’ve ever been to Asia, you know that traveling there is a completely different experience than traveling anywhere else in the world. The food is tasty and spicy, the people are friendly and helpful and the festivals are some of the most colorful and fascinating celebrations on the […]

Istanbul Archaeological Museum

Elias Rasole

Introduction This museum is worth visiting even if you have time for only one museum. Istanbul Archaeological Museum, Istanbul The Istanbul Archaeological Museum is one of the most important museums of archaeological artifacts in the world and has a large collection of artifacts from different periods, such as ancient Greek, […]

Bangkok: Delicious And Fiery Flavors Of Thailand

Elias Rasole

Introduction Bangkok is a bustling city with a rich history and culture. It’s also home to some of the best street food in the world, so you’ll be able to satisfy your most exotic culinary cravings while you’re here. Like many Asian cuisines, Thai food has been influenced by Indian […]

How To Embrace The Charms Of Asian Living

Elias Rasole

Introduction We’ve all heard of the phrase “going abroad,” but what does it really mean? Expats are people who choose to live outside their home country in order to experience a new culture and way of life, but they don’t always have to be full-time travelers. For many people, moving […]

Why Asian Living Is More Than Meets The Eyes

Elias Rasole

Introduction Asia is a diverse continent full of rich history, culture and people. While it may seem that all Asian countries are similar, there are actually many ways to live as an Asian person depending on where you go. For example, the city lifestyle of Seoul can be very different […]

Festivals of Asia

Elias Rasole

Introduction You’ll never get bored of Asia. There’s always something going on: festivals, religious celebrations, and even just special events that make life interesting. The following are some of the best Asian festivals to experience: Loy Krathong Loy Krathong is a Thai festival that takes place annually on the first […]